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09.12.2024 | 15:38
22.11.2024, Substage
A journey is a different, new and unwanted experience.
After a few years Pause joins the Swedish Melodic Death Band DARK TRANQUILITY die Frühling with a new studio album and a new European tour. Let the Scandinavian countries in the south of the country stop for a while now and that Grund is the show that sold the Monate in Voraus.
When the Türen des Substages open up, the people in Massen flow into this. A clearer Vorteil for the Eröffnungsgruppe HIRAESwho can be used directly for themselves and are a real banger with the song ‘Through The Storm’. Sängerin Britta strotzt voor Energie and die Leute von sich überzeugen with her life. Insgesamt notes that man is fast, his small classical Vorband ist, that new one in the Geschäft. Irgendwann is a mirror for those who kick for the month of August, it is possible to see years of singing with CRIPPER live once. If such a controlled grunt can have an organizing effect on your immunity insurance, the most likely man is not so fast. The short play era of Quintett, one of the big hits from the active studio album “Dormant” is available. A melody, a great guitar playing and the right mix and a great way to give the band an exciting feeling in the melodic death genre.
Set list: Through the storm; About lies; Under fire; We don’t owe anyone anything; Undertow
A Hauch von nordischer Kälte sees nun mit WOLFHART An. Lately, probably one of the best ways to solve a problem and put so much effort was with the Mikros. Although the song list has ended, it’s time to get on the list. With ‘Strength And Valor’ and ‘Zero Gravity’ there is a storm over the mix, which generates the first Moshpits. Die Halle ist am Beben and wanders into a Lake from flying Haaren. In ‘Evenfall’ the band is such that man survives a Wall Of Death. Der Versuch gelingt semi gut and erreicht bei weitem nicht de Dimensionen, wie man es allesleicht von others Bands gewohnt. Der Show shows that the keinesweg comes to an end and the last schliesen in the set with ‘Grave’, before you start dying with the donnerndem with other verlassen.
Set list: Strength and courage; No gravity; Burning air; Spirits of Karelia; Fall for a moment; Century of cold; Graf
Der Exot dieses Abends is the end of the Portuguese Gothic-Metal-Band MOON GAME. Anyway, the singer Fernando has taken the time to do his Daseins adjudication on that Tour hat. Such a great tradition from most years. Take a look at the Truppe in the Anfänge ihrer Musik zurück and see an Old-School-Set from the Hut. With ‘Love Crimes’ you can no longer see your Black-Metal record and see it when the audience shows up. If it is not possible to achieve a little more than that of the song ‘Finsterra’, the keyboardist Pedro sein Instrument gegen de guitar. If you buy the Portuguese, a mosh pit starts and the human flips are full. The siege continues and one hit after another can be resolved. Major Highlight is ende’s ‘Alma Mater’. When this song changes, the bands and fans of much of the choir change, creating an exuberant mood. Augenscheinlich shows the Setliste everything you have, was that Fanherz höher schlagen lässt. The evening after ‘Vampiria’ is now complete, but the MOONSPELL show is complete with ‘Full Moon Madness’ – a good showpiece.
Set list: Opium; Awake; Crimes of love; Extinct; Eternal night; Finisterra; Everything invaded; Breathe (until we are gone); Alma Mater; Madness at the full moon
The previous generations have more power over their jobs and now heißt is reserved mobilization, um also for the Headliner DARK REST yet everything will happen. The Swedish are the best Laune and the Publikum of Quintett in attacking Armen. Singer Mikael had no chance to play, but De Leute was not immediately concerned with the time for a minute. The Begeisterung ensures that the music is also included in the written overview of the fans. Consider the end results of the LED panels in the background, which determine the lifespan of the light. With the Worten “new, alto and a bisschen obskur” the Frontmann can stop spreading the setlist for the Abend and the Mann.
The Anfang might ‘The Last Imagination’ from the active studio album “Endtime Signals”. Quickly play half the schedule and that Abend by playing the Swedish. Enjoy classical music with ‘Hours Passed in Exile’ or ‘Finale Resistance’ nicht fehlen. Abgedroschen and totgehort? Fehlanseige! I’m Substage geht die Post ab! The beauty of a DARK TRANQUILITY Concert is thoroughly satisfying, that is why your tour is a lost song from your verse. That fall it is ‘Empty Me’ – a song that is no longer possible after the band’s dissolution, but the other guitarist is no longer able to play. It is no longer the case that fans of Johann Rheinholdz go for their Leistung ab. Abgerundet would see this big show with the Zugaben ‘Lost To Apathy’ and ‘Misery’s Crown’.
The band has given my opinion on what happened and still hasn’t seen any development. Was for a show – was for an Abend!
Set list: The last imagination; Nothing for anyone; Quirky eyes; Unforgivable; Hours passed in exile; The dark unbroken; Last resistance; Cathode ray sunshine; Atom; Chills and emptiness; Not nothing; Empty me; Our connection; Phantom days; In it; The wonders at your feet; Zugaben: Lost by apathy; The crown of misery
Message: Hang Mai Le
Photo credit: Frank Hameister
- Editor:
- Hang Mai Le